Quickie Winners Sinnage

Just a few amazingly great buys that I’ve picked up over the last couple of weeks that I could not say no to! Believe me, I’ve been trying so very hard to resist Winners and only get things that I can somewhat justify, so these are the results of my efforts!

Vera Wang-Princess NightDSCF4322

When this first came out last year, I believe, I decided I would wait for a Shopper’s Event to reward myself, but when I saw this full size for $29.99, patience went right out the door! I love “Princess” and this is very similar in scent, but reminds me a bit more of winter.

OPI RapiDry Spray and Bliss Blood Orange and White Pepper Body ButterDSCF4323

After seeing some good reviews on OPI’s RapiDry Spray, when I saw a bottle of this at Winners for $12.99, I figured it was the right time to give this a try. I also decided to get a second bottle of this Bliss moisturizer ($16.99) that I cannot live without! This is one of my all-time favourite scents and I tend to stock up whenever I see them on sale at Winners because Bliss products are ridiculously expensive at Sephora.

Nature Blossoms Ahava SetDSCF4325



I saw this nestled in a corner and couldn’t believe my luck! Like a lot of you, I fell in love with the Ahava scent when we received our first Ahava products in the inaugural February Glossybox or December Glymm Box. As you can see, the gift set came with a hand and foot cream, bath salts and some gel-lined moisture gloves for either the hands or feet! From what I have seen, Ahava products can only be purchased online so when I saw this full size set for $24.99, it was an immediate no-brainer. I think I carried the pouch around like a little baby until I made it to the cash register. You’d do it too right? I’m not the only one?

Have a great Tuesday everyone!


  1. OMG.. I must try to find the Vera Wang perfume at my local Winners.. what a great price/find!
    I agree the scent reminds me of winter nights!


    1. Brittany, I think we like the same scents! There were three at the time I picked mine up and nobody seemed to notice them at the time.

  2. WOWWWW Jayne, I can't believe the deal you got on the Vera! I have always loved the bottles but the smell wasn't my favorite but I actually really like the scent of this one!!!!

    1. I know! I couldn't believe it was there! The one I kept seeing was Glam Princess which I didn't really like so when Princess Night was there my heart stopped!

  3. That's a great price for the perfume! I used to wear Vera Wang Princess and am curious what this one smells like :)

    1. It's very similar and I think that if you had a chance to smell it you'd love it!

  4. i love love love winners and i am so jealous of your Ahava set! and i don't recall the Vera Wang scent but the bottle is definitely a keeper!

    1. I love the Ahava set and I can't stop looking at it. I think I'm too attached to my beauty products!

      Isn't the Vera bottle fantastic? I love perfume bottles!

  5. That Princess bottle is gorgeous! I have a couple Princess scents and love them. I need to scope out my Winners for those Ahava products! I love them so much x

    1. The Ahava products were such a surprise to find! I never saw them again after that...I remembered you really liked the scent too. You should do a beauty swap with someone from Israel! I am, and Ahava is easier to get for them!

  6. Those are such good finds! Which winners did you get them at? Haha there is so many here! I love princess night, is such a nice smell but never got around to buying it.

    1. I found these at the West Van Winners. There are so many Winners locations it's pretty crazy!

  7. Great score on the perfume!! I lovvvvvvvve the scent of that body butter!

    1. The body butter is AMAZINGGGG!! I think I always have to have it in my life!

  8. Oh man...now I have to stalk my Winners for that Vera!

    1. You never know when it might pop up! Finding Princess Night was such a surprise!

  9. Reading this post has made my wish-list so much longer! I have to try the Vera Wang perfume! And the Ahava products look great too.

    x Ellie @ Ellalogy 

    1. Ellie, the Ahava products have a strong scent, but it is one of the best things I have smelled in a very long time! And yes, if you get a chance, smell Princess Night! If you like sweet scents, you'll probably like this one.

  10. Ooh, great haul! The perfume packaging looks so cute!
    I couldn't help but laugh when you said you carried the pouch around like a little baby, haha.

    1. It was MY Ahava baby!! No one was getting their grubby paws on it!

  11. Really nice haul :D I wish there was a Winners here...
    haha when there's something I find in stores that I'm so happy to get, I do the same at carry it like a baby until getting to the register lol!

    1. LOL, see I knew I wasn't the only who did that!

  12. Winners is so up to chance, but mine has been pretty good!

  13. WOW! I love everything in this haul :) I esp love the AHAVA hand cream! :)

    The Misty Mom

    1. I love love the scent of the Ahava line! Makes my day when I use!

  14. i've always wanted to try the princess perfume too!
    the packaging looks absolutely adorable :))))
    let us know how the hand cream goes - would love to know what you think about it!

    rachel x

  15. Man I love Winners! I spend too much when I go there :)

    1. Ugh, I know me too! That's why I hate working so close to one because I always go there to "unwind"...

  16. Must...go..to..Winners.. right away!!

    Thank you for enabling :)

  17. I am so glad I literally have a Winners attached to my condo building. It's so dangerous but awesome at the same time. It's my all time favorite place to shop at.


    1. Oh, I would think that living next to one is all kinds of awesome!

  18. oh, i really like the ahava set! i don't go to winners very much anymore because i would buy the whole store. not good for my thrifting challenge, my beauty ban, or my de-cluttering goal! i stepped into the new marshalls in downtown toronto the other day and i was terrified i was going to buy something. i had to tell myself to walk away from a pair of bright purple pumps hehe.

    1. Bright purple pumps?? Good for you! I don't know if I could have walked away! I've been away from work the last 2 weeks and haven't gone into Winners in this time. It's pretty amazing how much money you can spend there in a month!
