Julep St.Patrick’s Day Mystery Box

Hi Everyone!

I know I really shouldn’t have, but I never got a chance to participate in Julep’s Valentine’s Mystery Box, so when the opportunity for the St.Patrick’s Day Mystery Box came up, I knew I just had to try it! Seeing as how I skipped the Julep Maven Box for the month of April, I figured it all evened out in the end in terms of the actual number of boxes I’d be receiving. See how I’m trying to rationalize everything?
So, instead of the usual black cardboard shipping box that Julep normally sends out, the mystery box was appropriately shipped in a green cardboard box. Inside were some chocolate coins, which were promptly devoured, and a cute quilted cosmetic bag with the Julep trademark imprinted on the fabric.



In this month’s St.Patrick’s Day Mystery Box I received:

Julep’s Exclusive Makeup Bag $18.00 (on sale for $14.99)
Julep Nail Appliques in Peacock $14.00
Everyday SPF Hand Cream SPF 30 $28.00
Julep Crystal Nail File $6.00
Julep Nail Vernis in Maya $14.00
Julep Nail Vernis in Sofia $14.00
Julep Nail Vernis in Emma $14.00
Julep Essential Cuticle Oil $18.00

Total Value of Julep St.Patrick’s Day Mystery Box: $126.00 (without special Maven pricing)

I liked everything I received, EXCEPT for the fact that I now have TWO Sofias…I didn’t think that the mystery box would possibly contain nail polishes from the March Maven Boxes…I would think that this would lead to more than just myself receiving a duplicate polish. Anyone feel like trading for Sofia? I really don’t need two of her…

Anyone else purchase a Mystery Box and if so, what did you get? Was there anyone lucky enough to get the ultimate Box? I think I saw one blogger get something like 8 nail polishes so she scored big time!

March Glossybox 2012

It’s here! It’s finally here AND it made it within the month of March! I thought that Glossybox was actually pretty good about keeping all of us updated on the situation with one(some) product(s) having issues at customs. You don’t mess with customs and a lot of us know that you can’t exactly be mean to them…I’d be too scared that they’d say “No makeup for you!”

I will start off by saying that I LOVED this month’s Glossybox and it was well worth the wait! Such a great way to end the month! Again, I can’t get over the wonderful packaging and the sturdiness of the box. I’ve been waiting for the March Glossybox partially for new nail polish storage!

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Here are the products I received this month:

Bailey Cosmetics Fresh Lip Gloss in Berry
Excitement Level: I think I have the colour “Berry” because it was either that or “Pink”, but from how dark it looks in the bottle and on my hand, it’s definitely more on the “Berry” side to me (There is no colour name on the package). I am very excited to try something from Bailey Cosmetics! This was a makeup line launched in 2010 by Canadian fashion designer Brian Bailey exclusively for The Shopping Channel although I don’t see it sold on TSC anymore…I think the colour is lovely and the packaging very sleek.
Full Size: 8g/$28.00
I Received: *FULL SIZE* 

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Pandora Blush in St.Tropez
Excitement Level: Eeeeek! I was so excited to get this blush! That little teaser Glossybox had on their Facebook page had me squeaking like a little mouse! I love that I am getting another opportunity to try a Canadian makeup brand! Pandora is the creation of Canadian makeup artist Susan Kirsch and focuses on eco-chic and eco-friendly packaging such as refillable palettes. Glossybox was also nice enough to include a 40% off code for the Pandora website. The packaging really is quite cute and makes me feel like a little girl because the colours are so feminine. The blush itself is a soft pink, probably lighter than what I would normally get for myself, but it’s something that I can probably build up or mix with another one of my darker blushes.
Full Size: $18 (can’t find the weight anywhere!)
I Received: *FULL SIZE*

2012-07-16 02.26.19

Sebastian Re-Shaper Hair Spray
Excitement Level: I don’t use a lot of hairspray so I am a little hohum about receiving this. I’m not saying I don’t like it, but for me hairspray is just not one of those products I use a lot of. I don’t really know a lot about this company, I just know that they are a salon brand.
Full Size: 300g/$19.95
I Received: 43g/$2.86
Evian Brumisateur Facial Spray
Excitement Level: Oooh ok, after years of being scared to buy this product, now I have the chance to try it! I’ve always thought the idea of spraying water on my face AFTER applying makeup was counterintuitive, but a friend of mine swears by it so I guess I will find out! I had to find out what “brumisateur” meant and as an FYI, it just means “an atomizer that sprays water particles, notably on the face”. 
Full Size: 50mL/$7.00, 150mL/$12.50, 300mL/$17.50
I Received: 50mL/$7.00
Aveeno Daily Moisturizer Lotion
Excitement Level: I do use Aveeno products fairly regularly both on my face and body so this was a welcome sample in my Glossybox. This particular sample that we received is fragrance free and holds a significant memory for me because last Spring I had something called Pityriasis rosea and because it can take anywhere from 4 – 12 weeks to resolve itself, I was too afraid to use any moisturizer with fragrance and wanted to stick with a moisturizer that also soothed the irritation. My bout of Pityriasis rosea lasted 8 weeks and I used up the entire full size bottle of Aveeno. It was the weirdest skin condition I’ve ever had and it only affects young adults, but thank goodness you only get it once and is not contagious. Sorry, I went of track there…
Full Size: 354mL/$11.99

I Received: 71mL/$2.40
Algemarin Foam Bath

Excitement Level: This is a bonus for this month’s Glossybox and is a brand I’ve never heard of before. This is most likely due to its European origins, but the brand’s premise is to bring “sea bathing” into your own bathtub. Algemarin is made from seaweed extracts, algae and mineral salts and apparently gives you the perfect bath at a pH of 5.5 so a little on the basic side ;-)

Full Size: 5 x 5mL/$3.99, 500mL/$17.99, 750mL/$23.95
I Received: 15mL/$0.48 (using best value as to avoid artifical inflation of the value of the Glossybox)

Total Value of Glossybox: $58.74!

Pretty good value for this month, I’d say! I am so happy with everything and I’m sure you girls must be too!

Nerd Lacquer – Beggar’s Canyon

Hi hi!

Today I’m wearing Nerd Lacquer’s Beggar’s Canyon which has a gold base containing both bronze and purple micro and hex glitter. You wouldn’t expect a purple glitter in a polish of this colour which is why Nerd Lacquer really stands out! It’s a beautiful colour and is one that I can see myself wearing again in the summer.

nerdlacquer_beggars canyon2
nerdlacquer_beggar's canyon

March 2012 Luxe Box

It’s weird, but I almost forgot about this month’s Luxe Box because I feel like I’ve been surrounded by samples, boxes of samples and so much product for the last month that it just slipped out of my head! Sigh…first world problems right?

This month’s Luxe Box was interesting for two reasons: it was Loose Button’s one year anniversary and this month’s box included a different take on the “First In Line” (FIL) program. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that Loose Button is the first of the luxury sample boxes in Canada, followed by Glymm, Topbox and finally Glossybox (although Glossybox has been around in Europe for awhile). To commemorate their one year anniversary, this month’s Luxe Box contained a little card with seeds which I thought was very sweet and cute. It’s unfortunate that my thumbs are all but green and hopefully I will be able to find a home for these little “seedlettes” other than the trash…

This month, Loose Button’s FIL program was done on a first come, first serve basis that involved everyone logging into the Loose Button site at the same time and picking a product. I know this was done on a Sunday because most people work during the week, but I was one of those people who had to work that day, so my lovely significant other actually REMEMBERED me talking about FIL and got up on his own, figured out where to go on the site and chose a product he thought was best for me which ended up being the Cargo Glitter Top Coat.

What I found so cute were these texts that I received from him while I was at work basically showing his train of thought. Everything from “Where do I go"?” to “What’s a glitter top coat"?” to “I think you already have this eyeshadow colour” and finally, “Well, I chose the glitter top coat for you because it sounds like something you don’t have and who wants shampoo samples anyway?” So, good job Hun!


Here are the products I received this month:

J.R. Watkins Hand and Body Lotion in Lavender
Excitement Level: I am actually a huge fan of J.R. Watkins products! Something about the having the word “apothecary” in the product name makes me like it. Talk about marketing at work! I immediately I have gone through two bottles of the lemon cream hand lotion because it smells just like lemon meringue pie! It’s so good!
Full Size: 325mL for $10
I Received: 29mL for $0.89
Chi Silk Fusion
Excitement Level: I’m actually a little bit confused because the bottle says that it’s for hair and skin, but the information card only seems to talk about thermal protection of the hair. I’m guessing that it’s more like an argan oil that I can mix with my moisturizer for an additional boost of hydration.
Full Size: 180mL for $33
I Received: 15mL for $2.75
Cargo Lipgloss in Fresno
Excitement Level: I love lipgloss and this is a very neutral light pink that I’m sure would look good on anyone. My only concern is that I can’t go through lipglosses as quickly as I acquire them!
Full Size: 4.5mL for $14
I Received: *FULL SIZE*

Cargo Lipgloss in Fresno
Cargo Glitter Top Coat
Excitement Level: I am most excited about this product! I own a number of glitter eyeliners, but this is so different because it is an iridescent glitter sitting in a clear base which means that I can use with basically any colour of eyeshadow! I’ve actually been sporting this top coat on black eyeliner with brown eyeshadow at work and I have been loving just how subtle the glitter is.
Full Size: 2.8mL for $18
I Received: *FULL SIZE*

Total Value of Luxe Box: $35.64

What was in your Luxe Box?

Midweek Mani Update! Fishnets and Glitter!

So, I had mentioned before that I was a little uncomfortable wearing Julep’s “Holly” alone and eventually I did cave and had to some form of nail art because I felt so naked! I felt like trying out some fishnets and a new Milani hex glitter that I had and this was the result!


Free Mario Badescu Samples!

I first heard about Mario Badescu from Jen from frmheadtotoe last year and have been fascinated ever since! I feel the products cater more to problem skin, but there are still many products for many other skin types so that no one is left out Winking smile. Pricing is not that expensive, but if you’re not in the States, you might want to split the shipping with a friend. Now, getting to the awesome part, they give out free samples and ship to Canada for free as well! The samples only took about 10 days to reach me on the West Coast which I found impressive! All you need to do is fill out your details and answer a few questions about your skin type here
I received a six samples (I was supposed to receive a drying lotion, but they were out), a product guide and a customized product application guide which I was grateful for! The sample sizes were decent and large enough to really get an idea of whether the product would work for me.

I received:
Enzyme Cleansing Gel
Aloe Lotion
Hyaluronic Eye Cream
Hydro Moisturizer with Vitamin C
Flower and Tonic Mask
Strawberry Face Scrub


Mario Badescu Strawberry Face Scrub

Mario Badescu Flower and Tonic Mask
I was super happy to find that Mario Badescu was able to ship these samples to me for free in such a timely manner! I’m uber excited to try their products and possibly change up my skincare regimen a little. Are any of you going to try Mario Badescu?

Don't forget to enter my giveaway if you haven't already! 

My Humble 50 Follower Giveaway!

Hello Everyone!

I never thought I’d have one follower let alone 50! I just wanted to say thank you and that I treasure each and every person who reads! I’ve really enjoyed reading so many other amazing blogs written by amazing women so this is my way of saying thank you!

I know this isn’t one of those really spectacular giveaways, but I just wanted to share some of my favourite products that I use all the time. And coming from a land that worships Hello Kitty, I had to throw in cute stationary and nail decals! The Hermes perfume actually comes in 2 x 4mL vials so it’ll probably last quite awhile. I have a contact at Hermes so I have lots!
This giveaway is open to Canadian and US residents only.


March 2012 Glymm Box

Hi Peeps!

So, the highly anticipated “feather hair extension” Glymm box finally arrived for me! On the plus side, Glymm has once again exposed me to brands that I have never heard of or tried, but unfortunately I don’t the products were the best for me…

This month I received:
M.Asam – Perfect Teint (full size $42/50mL)
M.Asam – Magic Fini (full size $38/30mL)
NuMe - Feather Hair Extensions in Blue
Ocean - Nail Polish in “Heavenly”

I’m guess I’m looking forward to trying all these new products with the exception of the feather hair extensions that I will be giving to a friend who has been itching to try them for awhile! At least it’s going to a good home!

I was super excited to receive a nail polish, but the shade I got is quite sheer and one that I don’t think I’d ever wear…sigh, any shade other than nude. I want to trade! So far half of the products I have received this month won’t be used!

M.Asam Perfect Teint – 5mL = $4.20
M.Asam Magic Fini – 5mL = $6.33
NuMe Feather Hair Extensions *FULL SIZE* = $25.00
Ocean Nail Polish *FULL SIZE* = *12.00
Total Value of Glymm Box = $47.53

I guess this month’s products weren’t really for me, but hey, it’s still two full size products and if the nail polish were any other colour I would have been all over this box, but that’s not Glymm’s fault. Hopefully, next month’s will be a bit more suited to me.

An Example of Awesome Customer Service!

This experience was so great that I had to share and say that Travalo is amazing! For those of you that aren’t familiar with the Travalo, it’s a refillable perfume atomizer that’s airplane-friendly and comes in such cute colours! You remove the cap of your perfume bottle and pump the Travalo up and down to fill it from the bottom. Anyway, I bought one in Montreal in December and when I used it in January, I noticed it was leaking from the bottom. I was so sad that I had a defective Travalo that I decided to write to Travalo customer service because their website guaranteed their product for either 10 years or 10 000 operations. I didn’t have a receipt or the box anymore, but I thought I’d try my luck and see what would happen. I work in an environment where there are some VERY VERY difficult/crazy people so whenever I have to complain about something, I’m very nice and I never hurl insults or threats. I also have my technical English class to thank for teaching me how to write “proper” complaint letters!

Anyway, I got a reply within the hour saying how sorry they were and that they would send me a replacement Travalo right away in the same model I had originally purchased. I thanked them for their amazing and top notch customer service and then they said they were so sorry that they would include a “gift” as part of their apology! Check out the gift!

Isn’t that so generous?! Now, I have THREE functional Travalos and a cute pink carrying case! This whole issue was resolved and the Travalos in my hands in EIGHT days. This was sent out from Maryland too which I know doesn’t mean anything nowadays since everything can be overnighted if need be, but I was impressed! The customer service reps I dealt with were prompt and courteous and I did not expect a gift this generous gift AT ALL. I’ve never had such a great customer experience and I guess I just wanted to share the positivity! Have a good day everyone!

Hey Hey Hey, It’s Julep’s Holly!


Today I bring you a shade that I don’t normally wear. Julep’s “Holly” is kind of pearly slightly blushed light pink that I’m wearing by request Winking smile. I couldn’t quite capture how pink this polish was, because it really is subtle. To be honest, I don’t actually feel very comfortable wearing a polish this light. I feel so naked and exposed and I am fighting a very strong urge to paint some sort of nail art all over because I feel so bare! I found application to be a little streaky and I had issues making everything look even. I wish I loved this colour more than I do right now…the swatches looked so different online! It looked so much more pink on some other blogs…anyway what I have on is 3 coats of “Holly” and a topcoat. I dunno, what do you gals think? 


March 2012 Topbox!

Hi Beauties!

So, I’m a little late to the party with the Topbox post mostly because my Topbox was again MIA with CP, but I know it always shows up eventually so I wasn’t too worried. So, here we go! I couldn’t wait to get my Topbox after seeing what everyone else received! I was not disappointed when I saw the contents and I think this has to be one of my favourite Topboxes!

This month I received:
Redken - Color Extend Shampoo (full size $15/300mL) and Conditioner (full size $17/250mL)
Make up Forever - Sens’Eyes Waterproof Sensitive Eye Cleanser (full size $28/100mL)
mark - Nailed It Trend Mini Nail Lacquers in “Violet Daze” and “Tickled Pink” (full size $8/2.7mL)
mark – Gloss Gorgeous Stay On Lip Stain in “Bella Bella” (Personalized) (full size $12/1.5g)
*BONUS* Simple – Cleansing Facial Wipes (full size $10.99/25 wipes)

I still haven’t used my Redken samples from my last Luxe Box, so I guess I’ll just add these to the mix. This was probably my least favourite item in my Topbox, mainly because of the packaging although now that I have four of these packs I could just squeeze them all out into those travel-friendly shampoo and conditioner bottles!

I am so glad that I got the eye makeup remover instead of another mascara! I am now swimming in mascaras so a cleanser is more than welcome! And by a well-known brand at that!

I haven’t tried any Avon or mark products, but my favourite item has to be these mini nail lacquers! God knows that I don’t need more nail polish (165 and counting!) but these are so itty bitty and cute and are in two great wearable colours! I haven’t tried the colours yet, but the swatches from other bloggers look great! I’m quite excited to try the lip stain as I’m curious to see how the gloss will wear itself into a stain over the day.

As a bonus, we all received 7 cleansing facial wipes which some people mentioned wasn’t a “luxury” item, but come on…it’s a “bonus” for a reason! Everything else in the box was great! This was something that the folks at Topbox loved and wanted to share with us! I really need to stop reading the comments on the Facebook walls of any of these luxury boxes because when I see grown women complaining about stuff like this or by saying such rude things it just kills me! People are so mean! Anyway, I have just discovered how much I adore cleansing wipes and how convenient they are to remove all of my makeup after a long day at work so I will definitely be using these!

Redken Color Extend Shampoo – 20mL = $1.00
Redken Color Extend Conditioner – 20mL = $1.36
MUFE Sens’eyes – 25mL = $7.00
Mini Nail Lacquers – FULL SIZE = $8.00
Lip Stain – FULL SIZE = $12.00
Cleansing Wipes – 7 wipes = $3.08
Total Value of Topbox = $32.44

Loved this month, can’t wait for the next!

NOTD–Purple and Pink Leopard Print

Hi Lacqueristas!

This is my second attempt at leopard print nails since last year and I am pretty happy with it. I seem to have spatial issues when it comes to leopard spot placement though…it always seems either too crowded or too sparse.

To begin my manicure, I started off with Julep’s “Anne”, which I had ordered when they had their Oscar promotion, and is a lavender cream. It was opaque in two coats. Next, I used a dotting tool to randomly distribute spots with OPI’s “You’re a Pisa Work” and the outlined the spots with black acrylic paint. I just love how loud the colours are together! 


The Incredible Bliss Haul!

Hi Girls!

I’ve probably mentioned before that I am a pretty big fan of Bliss products because I love the way they combine the savoury with the sweet in a lot of their scents and because a lot of their products are paraben free. The only place I know of that sells Bliss products is Sephora and it’s pretty pricey…so whenever I see a Bliss product an Winners, I don’t even think, I just grab!

A few days ago, I managed to grab a SUPERSIZED version of one of my favourite moisturizers, the Lemon and Sage Maximum Moisture Cream for $24.99! Look how huge it is! I’ve seen this retailing online for around $50 so I thought that was pretty awesome! The other things I picked up were the Blood Orange and White Pepper Maximum Moisture Cream, the matching body wash (both for $19.99) and the Youth As We Know It Anti-Aging Eye Cream for $15! If I were get the eye cream at Sephora it would have cost me $75! The Blood Orange and White Pepper duo would have been $52 at Sephora so all in all I picked up $177 worth of stuff for around $60! Now, I really have to stop buying moisturizers because that supersized tube is going to last a couple of months…what was nice about all the stuff I picked up was that everything was sealed so nothing has been oxidized yet and none of the products had passed their expiration dates. God, I love Winners…


St.Paddy’s Nails – Nubar “Reclaim”

 Happy St.Patrick’s Day everyone!

I was planning on doing some sort of nail art for the occasion, but I fell asleep and it just got too late to do anything fun so I figured I’d just do a swatch of an amazing polish I picked up from Harlow & Co. last week. I have been captivated by Nubar’s “Reclaim” ever since I started “holo hunting” and it does not disappoint! This is 2 coats of polish plus a top coat. Another polish to love :-)

With flash

Crazy Cat Corner

*Sigh* nothing like a pile of fresh laundry to make your afternoon bed...

New to My Makeup Bag: Everyday Minerals

I heard about Everyday Minerals back in 2008 from a friend who had tried out a sampler pack of theirs and had nothing but positive things to say about the products. Four years later, I decided that maybe now might be a good time to try out the brand! I use quite a lot of mineral makeup in my makeup routine so I’m always open to trying a new brand that isn’t crazy expensive like some of the other ones out there.

For those of you who may not be familiar with Everyday Minerals, it was founded by Carina Menzies and are based in Austin, Texas. They pride themselves on providing women with affordable all-natural, vegan, cruelty-free makeup embracing femininity, sustainability and preservation of natural resources.

I know appearances aren’t everything, but the first thing I really liked was their website. I immediately was drawn to the somewhat ethereal look and the hand-drawn lines and fonts. The site is very Bohemian in theme and makes me want to wear their makeup and prance in a meadow with flowers in my hair. Anyway, the REALLY great thing about Everyday Minerals is that you can just try a couple of their products for $0.01 and just pay for the shipping which is around $3 – 4. You just go to “Custom Kits”, then to “Try It” to choose 7 samples. They come in these great RE-SEALABLE little pouches with a happy pink bunny (representing a product that is cruelty free and vegan) on the front. You can choose anything from foundation and concealers to bronzers, blush and eyeshadows. I basically chose one of every type of product they offered so I’d have a good range of things. You are more than welcome to focus your attention on more specific products.
Of course,  I couldn’t just stop at the free sampler pack could I? I also picked up a travel-sized purple eyeshadow in “Live Austin Live” ($4.50), the Sweet Perfection Conceal Kit ($10.00) and a bottle of Everyday Hydrate ($9.00) to mix with my moisturizer.

This is the travel version of an Everyday Minerals eyeshadow. It comes in rollerball format while the full size version comes in a sifter jar. The colour was quite a pretty purple with a hint of gold, which I was able to pick up once I used flash on my camera. It also applied fairly nicely for a rollerball, but if you want precise eyeshadow application, I’d use a brush as well.

This is the Sweet Perfection Conceal Kit which includes: a concealer brush, Mint Colour Corrector, Multi-tasking Concealer and Finishing Dust. I thought the brush was quite nice, I liked the bamboo ferrule and the softness of the bristles (synthetic). The website also mentions that the concealer brush is the perfect shape for applying lip colour. In terms of value, the brush alone is $7 so I’d say $10 for the whole kit is not bad at all! 

The last thing I got was the Everyday Hydrate (15mL) which is 100% pure organic argan oil meant to be used as a facial oil, but from what I’ve seen, can be used as a moisturizer for cuticles and hair as well.

I haven’t tried the concealer kit yet, but so far I’m really liking everything else! I like my makeup fairly lightweight so this line looks promising! I still like my 4-in-1 mineral foundation from Pur Minerals, but one thing that I really like about the makeup line for Everyday Minerals is their range of colour when it comes to eyeshadows and blushes. The pricing is also a bit more affordable which is a big factor. Have any of you tried Everyday Minerals before?

NOTD – Julep “Natasha” Swatch

Hello hello!

As sad as I was to get rid of my cloud mani, I was dying to try one of the polishes that I received in my March Maven Box. To be honest, even though I received a February Maven Box, I still had not tried any Julep polish until today! As I expected, this is bright, glossy orange creme that wasn’t as opaque as I thought it would be. It took 3 coats to get my VNL to not be so obvious and I finished my nails with a coat of my new favourite China Glaze’s Fast Forward Topcoat. Overall, I really liked this colour and I think it will be fantastic for Spring and Summer!
