October 2012 Beauty Box 5

And heeerrre is October’s BB5! This was not my favourite box, but there are certainly products that peaked my interest and made me very curious about how to use them as October’s theme was “Tricks of the Trade”.


Margania Pure Argan Oil


With naturally high levels of Vitamin E and skin supporting fatty acids, this miracle oil is perfect for healing skin ailments and protecting against premature aging. Use alone or mix with your moisturizer.

Thoughts: I was most excited about this product and I also love little droppers as a way to administer product. If I had micropipettes from the lab, I swear I’d use them all the time.

Full size: 2oz/$32.00

I received: 5mL(0.17oz)/$2.72

City Lips Lip Plumper in Sin City


These luscious lip plumpers are packed with antioxidants and moisturizer ingredients! Apply alone or over lipstick for fuller, plumper lips in an instant!

Thoughts: This is another product I was excited to try! I’ve seen City Lips before, but never felt the urge to buy so this sample is perfect! I’ve tested it out and yes the tingle is definitely there, but no adverse reactions! I always worry because I reacted once to a Sally Hansen lip plumper which resulted in my upper lip being plump and red for a week straight!

Full size: 5mL/$32.00

I received: 1.5mL/$9.60

ShowStoppers Fashion Tape


Lost a button on your shirt? Does your bra strap keep showing? Keep your “fashion fashioned” with these ingenious, purse-sized packets of double stick designer fashion tape.

Thoughts: I was a little confused about what there were at first, but then I realized they might come in handy as I hate it when my bra strap keeps slipping out!

Full size: 24 strips/$9.99

I received: 2 strips/$0.83

Goat Haus Diary Lip Balm in Sugar Kisses


Thoughts: I was a bit surprised to see another product from Goat Haus since we received a soap from them last month, but that’s ok! I love lip balms and this one looks nice and soothing.

Full size: $2.50

I received: *FULL SIZE*

Furlesse Elevens


Relax frown lines in a gentle, natural (no needles!) way.

Thoughts: I was also confused about these too! I’m not at a stage in my life where I have frown lines, so I might have to pass these on to someone older…

Full size: 30 patches/$19.99

I received: 3 patches/$2.00

Lash Card


Great for maximizing curl, separating lashes and avoiding bottom last mishaps. These discrete little cards are your lashes new best friend!

Thoughts: I received this in my last Glymm bag and was not a fan of them. You can read what I wrote here.

Full size: 10 cards/$6.99

I received: 2 cards/$1.40

Total Value of BB5: $19.05

Not my favourite BB5, but I love the fact that there was a theme to the box. It’s also hard to surprise me now what with all of these samples, so being a little confused keeps things interesting! There was also yet another $100 gift certificate for a NuMe product included in the box as well. The fact that this is my fourth one doesn’t cheapen the brand at all…anyway, as always I look forward to next month’s BB5!


  1. Looks OK other than the lash cards.. I really don't get the point of these! At least with the Furlesse, you can pass it along to someone else.. but the lash cards are totally useless.

  2. That lip gloss looks pretty! I love subtle shimmer on the lips, especially when I'm just going into work, no need to wear bright lips to the lab where hardly anyone sees me (Dal Biology building is depressing like that, we hardly see anyone, ever!)

    I love using micropipettes lol :P

    1. I know, when I worked in the lab I stopped wearing mascara because my eyelashes would get in the way whenever I looked through a microscope!

      Yayyy! Someone else who loves using micropippetes!!

  3. im glad you did not react badly to the lipgloss! and i agree that a lot of the items were intriguing but not entirely something i'd use - like those "Elevens".

    1. Yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do with the forehead wrinkle strips...
      I am glad I didn't react either! I didn't feel like having blown up lips!

  4. Looks like an okay box this month. Pretty lip gloss, though! xoxo

    1. Yeah, it was OK...nothing too crazy exciting but I was happy to try out the lip gloss!

  5. I am still on the fence about this box and not sure. I think I might wait until the new year to see if it gets any better before signing up. thanks for sharing this and it seems like the lash cards are making their rounds in the boxes this month.

    1. I think they can't get rid of these Lash Cards fast enough!

  6. I'm most excited about that Argan Oil too! I've been hearing such great things about Argan Oil everywhere and I'm about to hop on the bandwagon. And I'm actually kind of interested on how those frown line reducing patches are supposed to work, they sound kind of silly :P

    Lipstick & Lace

    1. LOL, I need an OLD forehead to try the frown patches on!
      I love Argan Oil because it's so multipurpose! Hair, skin, face, anything!

  7. I'm glad the City Lips didn't give you any bad reactions to your lips! Haha those Sally Hansen ones...scary

    1. My lips were so puffy and red, it was ridiculous! I never react to anything so it was really surprising!

  8. oh those lash cards frustrated me to no end when i was trying to use them haha. my first bb5 box is on its way to me... i can't wait to receive it.

    1. OMG, I have not even tried the lash cards because they seem to make the process of applying mascara way harder than it is!
