Announcing The First Ever Monday Blues Blog Hop!

*SIGH* Another Monday…studies show that for those of us who work Monday to Friday, the saddest point in the week is around 5pm on Sunday. It’s so true, right? Well, I am delighted to announce that now Mondays can be something to look forward to thanks to the first ever Monday Blues Blog Hop! This will be hosted by myself, Traci from Drinkcitra and Christa from ChrissyAi with the idea being that while sipping (or chugging!) your morning coffee you will discover some new blogs, meet other wonderful bloggers, grow your own readership and get your coffee and blog buzz on!

Join us every Monday and take those blues away! If you are interested in becoming a co-host for the The Monday Blues Blog Hop feel free to email us at mondaybluesbloghop(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Awesomeness! Haha, I'm with Traci on the eek!

  2. This is such a great idea! Added the link on my blog and followed all the hosts :)

    1. Don't forget to add your link to this list so other people can visit your blog too!

    2. Just did! thanks :)

  3. Well done it looks great! Good luck :)

  4. Thanks for hosting- now following you via GFC :)

  5. I've just hopped on, looking forward to finding some new blogs to read!

    Thank you for hosting ^__^

    Heather xx

    +~ The Glambulance ~+

  6. Totally off topic but have you heard of Lindsey Stirling? She's a "hip hop" violinist and she's going to be in Vancouver in November - thought you might be interested. I'm sad she's not coming East.. we always get over looked lol.

  7. I have! Really? She's coming here? I'll have to look into that and see if I can go see her perform. That's too bad she's not going further out East...I always feel like things just stop at Montreal in people's minds when it comes to Eastern Canada.

    1. You can get tickets here:
      Really good price too!

    2. LOL, I already have the window open so that I remember to ask my fiance if he wants to come!

    3. And then you'll have to tell me ALL about it because I'm JEALOUS lol! If I still lived home I'd drive up to Toronto.. I'm a little too far for that though, booo :P

    4. AND tickets bought!! My fiance loves CLASSIC violin so this will be fun for him ;-) I was always a Vanessa Mae fan, but she never came to Canada so it'll be nice to see the violin do some fun things! And, I'm always amazed at how she can dance while playing!

    5. Aw YAY! It'll probably be amazing. I don't know how anyone dances and plays at the same time. Ever see Leahy live? Fiddling and step dancing all at once, it boggles my mind!

  8. I joined, but not sure how I'd follow publicly? I'm on tumblr while you guys are on a different blogging platform o.0

    1. Oh right...hmmm, well you can always just let people know you're following them through the blog hop and then they can add your tumblr to whatever blog viewer they use. The only thing is that you can't actually see who is following you I guess :( I'm glad you joined though!!

  9. Wow! looks good Jayne! I'll have to check out your partners :)


    1. Christa did the design! She did such a great job!

  10. I'm so lost about what blog hops are! I definitely love checking out other blogs and stuff so I'll be back another time! I already know you and ChrissyAI but I will check out your other hostess too. Jus. Can't follow right away since I'm in he'd on my phone. Big day, I don't even have the strength to stay up.

    1. Aww Candice! I know it's your first day back at work! The blog hop is on for five days so join whenever you can!

  11. LOl I am so tired now - I lost track of time reading the 'hoppers' blogs. Must go to bed...

    1. Oh no! I get caught up with reading all the blogs that have signed up too...

  12. First time linking up!
    I tried to follow the co-host but the link doesnt work. Other than that happy to participate and to check every blog in the next few days when my schedule is less tight!


    1. Thank you for joining! Oh, Links 4 and 5 don't work because we have no co-hosts for this first week, but we will for the all the other weeks!

  13. Sorry if I'm the only one who doesn't get it, but what would a co-host do?

    1. Essentially you would host with us and have the link on your blog for people to join up. They would have to follow you to participate in the blog hop so it helps with growing your own readership that way. We'll send you instructions with the proper code and to host on your own blog and that's it!
