Kracie Happy Kitchen–Doughnut Kit

This is a little bit off topic, but blogs are about weird interests too right? Although someone please let me know if my interests get a little too weird…so, ever since my rediscovery of Japanese candy, I have been nothing short of obsessed with discovering the more rare types of Japanese candy, namely the kind where you have to “cook'” and practically earn your meal! I found the Kracie Happy Kitchen Doughnut Kit at a local Asian supermarket for $4.99 which is a lot cheaper than what I was going to buy it for on ebay!



I will start by saying that I do not read or speak Japanese so I enlisted the help of RRcherrypie’s YouTube video and follow her instructions. I have been utterly consumed by this channel and have watched almost every video in a state of awe and wonderment.


Inside these packets are what will allow us to create our mini doughnuts! Most of the contents is in powder form with the exception of our sprinkles and cookie bits.


This plastic dish is key as every nook and cranny has its purpose like that the top right corner piece is actually your measuring cup!


Firstly, we need to make our “dough” which comes in the plain and chocolate doughnut flavours. The amount of water required is just enough to cover the bottom of this corner of our plastic container which we mix with our dough-making powder.


Keep mixing until all of the powder is gone and we are able to make little dough balls.


Start making your doughnuts! You can even mix your two colours to make cool-looking hybrids! I thought it was going to be difficult to coax the dough out of the molds, but all I needed to do was use the edge of my mixing spoon and the whole shape popped out without any breakage!



And now here is my doughnut army!


These doughnuts are looking pretty uninteresting, so now we need to make some icing! There are three kinds included in this doughnut kit: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. So, we need to cut off the infamous corner piece to measure how much water we need for our icing. Note the little pouring groove :) I love the detail!


We’ll make the chocolate icing first.


Mix the powder with water from the little plastic corner piece until we get an icing-like consistency.


We even have a mini icing bag! All we need to do is spoon the icing in and snip off the corner.



Strawberry icing


Vanilla icing


Mix like for the chocolate icing. There isn’t another icing bag so I just spooned the icing out or used a chopstick.


Sprinkles and cookie bits for toppings!




I had so much fun making these and the only “hard” part was actually making the doughnuts. Everything else was pretty straightforward. And do they taste like real doughnuts? The consistency is more on the chewy side, but the taste is definitely like a real doughnut!


  1. omg how fun!! This is so cool! They came out so yummy and cute-looking!!! Haha love this post, Jayne! :D

    1. LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I couldn't believe I was actually "making" my own candy!

  2. Wow this totally looks like fun! Can you see me in the kitchen with my two nieces making a mess of it? I'm definitely going to see if i can get my hands on some :) and of course, please share your other interests

    1. Definitely go on ebay and search for "Kracie". There are a couple of different sets. Your nieces will have a fantastic time!

  3. I watched watched the full video and it is so amusing! I want to try haha, great job on yours:)

    1. Haha, thanks! Isn't the video so addictive to watch? I think I've watched almost all of her stuff and I love every minute of it!

  4. Omg this is so cute! This is totally something that I would buy, but my boyfriend would complain about buying useless stuff! Just the other day we were at the Japanese market buying stuff to make sushi and I was waddling around all the cute stuff and he was like no, no and no! Sad face lol.

    1. My fiance asked me why I had to buy THREE candy-making kits instead of just one...I honestly didn't know the answer, I just knew I had to have more than one! I always get distracted by the cute Japanese things and probably always will be!

  5. I love these and I love that Youtube channel too! Mt favourite is the sushi one. I should check out my city's large Asian supermarket to see if they have any.

    1. I have the sushi one too :) That will be coming soon!

  6. That is sooo cute and looks like so much fun!
    They almost look too cute to eat, but then they look super yummy so I got over it. :D

    1. LOL, I got over it pretty quickly too! In my belly they went!

  7. Oh my, I want some of these! They turned out so cutesy!

  8. those are seriously cute!!! i watched the video and kept waiting for the donuts to be popped in the oven... i guess you don't have to cook them? anyway, i love posts like this one... definitely not too weird.

    1. Nope! No cooking! So they don't have that outer crispiness that a normal doughnut does, but they're still pretty tasty!

  9. Those are sooo cute! I've never seen those around here. Love this post!

  10. Replies
    1. I was dying of cuteness while I was making them!

  11. PLEASE let me know the name of the asian supermarket (I'm assuming in/near Vancouver)? The shipping costs when buying online are pretty steep.

    1. Thanks so much - coming from another biology+computer nerd that loves cute candy!
