China Glaze–Flirty Tankini

It’s funny, it has only been two days since I’ve posted and yet it feels like so long ago! I’ve had the most awful weekend involving work and all I can say is that sometimes you just wish everyone got along, but I guess there will be times when you feel like you’re in high school even in your adult life! Anyway, I’ve been really bummed, but I do have a very pretty polish for you and that’s China Glaze Flirty Tankini! This is a shimmery neon coral that is my first from the China Glaze Summer Neons series. Here I have two coats plus my OTD topcoat. Isn’t it purdy? The neon effect is really not captured well on camera, but it’s quite bright and punchy in real life. Believe me!




  1. Love neon pinks! Great colour.. I also feel like I'm in high school sometimes at work.. kinda annoying! I try to choose to ignore people who act that way but its hard!

    1. I thought you might like this colour! It really is hard to avoid people at work who make life difficult for everyone else! Sigh, let's hope it gets better this week!

  2. Don't let work get you down! It isn't worth the stress or your happiness!

    This colour is gorgeous! Need to try and find out where I can buy it in my city.

    : )

    1. I agree, I think what made it really hard was the fact that I love where I work so it made me that much more sad that a place I loved was causing me so much anguish...hopefully it gets better this week!

      I actually have only been able to find CG polishes in Chatters in VanCity, so if it weren't for Chatters, I'd have to get them online.

  3. Hope the situation gets better! Love the color, I love your nails..any nail growth tips you know about haha??! Mine are so yucky and short. I want to paint them so bad but I'm not going to when there's hardly anything there:P

    1. Thank you Sabina, I hope they get better too! Hmmm growth tips? It's funny, but I used to have an issue growing my nails out too, but once I would paint them, even if they were little nubbins, I wouldn't touch them and they would grow! Maybe try that? I've never tried any of the nail growth stuff that's out there so I don't know if it really works. I just let my nails grow out slowly and resist the urge to pick at them/bite them.

  4. Drama is so exhausting, I tend to shy away from it but sometimes you get caught in the middle and it totally throws you off. I hope things get better on the work front.

    Your nails though, they are BEAUTIFUL! Such a great colour too :)

    1. Drama is TOTALLY exhausting when you're not a dramatic person! I'm hoping things get better this week...

      Thank you for the compliment on the nails! Flirty Tankini is the first colour that really jumped out at me, but it started chipping so soon...

  5. Aw I'm sorry about your weekend :( I hope you have a better week <3
    As for your polish, I love it! It looks so good on you!

    1. Thank you, I hope this week is better too. My stomach is in knots about what has been going on. Thank you for the compliment on the polish too! It's a fantastic colour, but didn't last very long until it started chipping :(

  6. ahh love corals!! very pretty :) i'm really liking this neon craze right now

    1. I'm liking it too! I didn't think I would because I hate neon clothing, but nail polish I seem to adore!

  7. Looove this colour...I have never tried China glaze before how would you rate its quality against opi essie etc.?

    Sorry about work hun!! Your not alone I just started a new job and I am having a hell of a time fitting much office politics its overwhelming!!

    P.s. your nails beds are stunning!! But seriously I'm totally jealous

    1. China Glaze has its hits and misses...I find that they have really awesome glitters, but they really don't last very long as they chip like crazy! Their cremes and light shimmers/glitters are great, but I feel like I have fewer issues with OPI. I don't own that many Essie polishes because I hate their brush so I don't really know if I can say anything about their nail polish quality.

      Yeah, work has been a bummer...I've been so upset the whole weekend. Office politics is awful especially when you're not an aggressive person. My stomach has just been going haywire!

      Thank you! I never dreamed I would have someone compliment me on my nail beds when I had the most awful nails up until a year ago!

  8. I am loving these China Glaze Neons!

  9. I love the colour - but China Glaze neons rarely last more than a day for me - do they last for you? If so, what do you think it is (the base/topcoat you use)?

    1. I was just going to say, this manicure lasted two days before it started chipping like crazy! I use OPI Nail Envy and OTD and I was going to try another topcoat to see if OTD and neons just didn't mix!

  10. Sigh, work was pretty rough and it's a place I love working at so it made it that much more sad for me. I hope things get better this week...

    I thought this was a fantastic colour to kick off the first week of summer, but it chipped so quickly! I was so sad!
