Review - The Body Shop Beautifying Oil

I’m sure many of you have seen the new line of beautifying oils at The Body Shop that come in 11 of Body Shop’s house scents: Mango, Satsuma, Shea, Olive, Cocoa Butter, Strawberry, Coconut, Chocomania and Moringa. I picked up Satsuma, which is my all-time FAVOURITE scent and Pink Grapefruit. I’ve pretty much tried everything at the Body Shop already, so whenever there is something new, I’m always all over it! This caught my attention because it reminded me so much of Moroccanoil that I love using in my hair, but would NEVER use on my body because it’s just too expensive!!


I’ve been using this beautifying oil in my hair right after blow-drying and after coming out of the shower and it is just delightful! I love the fact that my hair can smell like oranges and pink grapefruit and feel nice and smooth just like with the Moroccanoil! I was actually really impressed with how well this moisturized and made my skin feel smooth. I thought it would be too oily, but my skin just slurped it up and stayed happy! It’s also a lot quicker to use the beautifying oil rather than lotion if you’re in a rush since oil just sort of distributes itself much more smoothly. It was so hard to choose just the two scents because they all smelled so good! They retail for $14, but with the number of promos that The Body Shop has going on, I’m sure you will either be able to get this for 50% off or for free!

Has anyone else given these new beautifying oils a try?


  1. Ohh these sound delightful! I've never tried any oils before. I guess I'm scared of ending up being too oily or greasy-feeling. From what you said, it doesn't seem to be that way! I really love The Body Shop scents. One of my favorites, that my Mom likes, is Satsuma! Yummm...

    1. The oil is actually quite light so it worked out as a great quick blast of moisture and shine for me. Ever since I was a little girl I've always loved their Satsuma :-)

  2. I'll definitely check these out next time I'm at the Body Shop!! Thanks for the review! :D

    1. You're welcome Ashley! I hope you find a favourite!

  3. So it doesn't make your hair too greasy? I have super thin hair, I think I'd be scared to use oil in is :S

    1. It's not quite as heavy as the Moroccanoil, but a little does still go a long way. I have "normal" hair and it was happy with about a quarter-sized amount of oil.

  4. Ooooo...I was eyeing these the other day but didn't get one. I think I'm going to have to go back & pick one really sounds great! :)

  5. Wow, I've never heard of these but that sounds great. I'd be a little worried about putting oil on my face too but I'm glad it absorbed into your skin well!
    I also really love the scent of pink grapefruit. ♥

    1. I don't use it on my face because I'm too scared although my skin is pretty dry so it would be ok. I love Pink Grapefruit too :)

    2. I use it on my face once a week (I have the strawberry scent) and it's fantastic even though I have very sensitive skin.
      It's the same when using it on my hair, a little goes a long way.

    3. Oh awesome, so I should really give this oil a try on my skin. Thank you for letting us know!

  6. Def will check these out!
    I agree.. I would be worried that it would feel too oily on my skin but if you say that it doesn't I might as well give it a try.. I love both of the smells you picked out.. but pink grapefruit is my fav!

    1. For the price, I think it might be worth a try. It's not quite as thick as Moroccanoil so it might be ok on your skin depending on how dry/oily you are.

  7. I need to try these :) I would love the Coconut one!

    1. I ALMOST bought Coconut! It would be perfect for summer!

  8. At the Body Shop by my work, they were all over the front entrance so I couldn't help but notice! I don't know if I'd use it on my face, but it has been really nice everywhere else!

  9. That's so awesome that you can use it on hair and body! I LOVE the body shop....definitely going to get this on my next little bodyshop haul....

    1. I love multi-purpose products too. Can't wait to see what scents you pick up!

  10. I'm obsessed with the strawberry body butter! it would be nice to have the beautifying oil so my hair would smell sweet too! thanks for the review! <3

    1. You're welcome! I think I'll have to get Strawberry next because when I smelled it in the store, it smelled absolutely divine!

  11. Ohh these are finally in Canada!?! I saw them on some UK blogs but couldn't find them in Canada at that promotion I am trying this out!!

    1. They are! I'm also waiting for the next promo so that I can get more!

  12. The Body shop beautifying oils has been reviewed on the post here. Useful post
