Review-LUSH Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub

Hi Everyone!

Some of you know that I went on a little bit of a LUSH shopping spree a little while ago and now that I’ve had some time to try different products out I guess it’s time to share my experience!

Ocean Salt was one of the LUSH products that I was dying to get and I’m so glad I did! It is a face and body scrub, great for all skin types, that is a lovely shade of blue and its feature ingredients are a mixture of sea salt, lime, coconut, grapefruit mixed in a fruity vodka base! I thought that was so cool! Like many Asians, I don’t have enough alcohol dehydrogenase (enzyme that breaks down alcohol!) so liquor always makes me feel sick almost right away, but at least in scrub form I can enjoy a bit of a “drink”!



Packaging: I’ve always liked pots for scrubs because you can really get at the sides and use up every last bit! When things are in a squeeze tube you always lose out on product that gets stuck on the sides. I know squeeze tubes are more convenient, but I’d rather get the most out of my product!

Formula: Ah, my favourite part! I love the coarse grains of salt and the whipped texture. You really feel like you’re scrubbin’! Due to the coarse salt grains, the scrub is a bit on the harsh side so I wouldn’t use this every day as your skin will probably be quite upset with you. The other thing I’ve noticed while using Ocean Scrub is that my skin feels HOT while I’m scrubbing! The first time I used it, I was convinced I was having some sort of allergic reaction, but then once I washed it off, my skin felt so refreshed! I started thinking about why my skin would get hot which made me go back to Grade 12 Chemistry…geeky I know. Anyone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s because of the large sea salt grains. When salt dissolves in water, the reaction releases heat (exothermic) leading to my hot face!

Scent: Boy does this smell good! Lime is mostly what I smell and smells absolutely refreshing. I always feel like I need an ice cold lemonade whenever I smell it!

Final Verdict: Love, love, love it. I don’t even let my fiance near it. I want it all for me! I will definitely re-purchase once I run out!


  1. You made me want to try this! xx

  2. Every time I see something from Lush I want to eat it! Haha! This looks like a really awesome scrub! I must try it someday soon! :)

    1. I know, everything smells so incredibly good!

  3. 1. DO WANT YES PLEASE. If I can get drunk during a facial, I'm all about it ;) Joking, of course!

    2. Pro-tip: Cut the tops off of tubes to get the last bit. I do that with my body creams and then throw them in a ziploc to keep 'em moist. So much stuff gets left in there!

    1. LOL, that would be pretty crazy if the vodka just seeped through the skin! I'll start cutting my tubes now! (Sounds weird to say that...)

    2. Yeah I don't even want to discuss the mental image that came along with that... damn you Anatomy and Physiology 101!

    3. LOL! Let's not even go there!

  4. This sounds soo nice! I got a sample one time when I went browsing and I really liked it!! Hopefully one day I can pick it up;) I really just want to go LUSH crazy one day:P

    1. It's one of those LUSH must-haves I think! Can't wait to see when you do go crazy!

  5. Is it wrong to want to eat the product after your description of the scent and flavours? lol I must try this out! I haven't used a body scrub in years and desperately need to.

    1. Haha, no! I want to eat a lot of my products! In terms of body scrubs, this is definitely a good one. Really gets in there!

  6. Wow the colour is beautiful! Too bad I cant lush products in this part of the world..yet

    1. Awww, yes some of the LUSH products might melt if they get sent to you!

  7. That sounds refreshing and delicious! ;D
    I think of all the LUSH products I've looked at this one I've wanted to try since I've heard that Sea Salt is good for your skin.
    As your others as well, I love this review. I feel like I'm getting an honest opinion and the scientific side of the product!

    1. Aww, I'm glad you liked it! I always like to know what the chemicals are doing to me! I feel like I should put my cell biology degree to good use!

  8. This stuff is sooooo great! I owe my love of Lush to you!

  9. Oooh this salt scrub seems nice! I think you're right about the heat. I used to have one face scrub that had salt and I remember my face feeling warm when I used it..Interesting. Mmm it looks pretty! I want to smell it haha

    1. Ah, so it probably is the salt then! I wish you could smell it too! That's the one thing I wish blogs could do - let people smell!

  10. Great review! I need to try this one out, I love Lush!
