Smith Farms Giveaway Winner!

No more tardiness when it comes to announcing the Smith Farms Giveaway winner! I’d like to congratulate Christa of ChrissyAi who is a lovely girl with a very cool blog that everyone should visit Smile I know that I ramped up everyone’s curiosity with this product, but Smith Farms products are readily available in Ontario and Quebec for those of you in that area and they do ship to the rest of Canada and the USA with free shipping over $95. Thank you to everyone for entering! I wish I had more to give away!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. First off I'd like to say.. IN YOUR FACES!
    No, I'm kidding. (Really, just kidding.)
    Yay :D I never win stuff!
    Thanks so much, Jayne! (& Rafflecopter Gods) ♥♥

    1. HAHAHA!!! So funny, I laughed out loud with that one! Hope you enjoy the cream!

  2. lmao! at Christa's comment. Yay! Congrats, Christa!!! :D

  3. yay, congrats!! She does have a fabulous blog! :)
