Swap with the Lovely Nadine in Japan!

This is my very first swap with Nadine from Bunny and Spice who graciously spoiled me with goodies from Japan and let’s me know when there are some good sales going on! I only wish my package to her didn’t take up to 6 weeks to get to there!

The first thing she got me was origami paper for my kusudama balls, but they almost seem too nice to use!


I also asked for some cool-looking chopsticks since I lost my favourite pair when I moved last year. I love the cute little case she got me too!


Next, I received two face masks, a cosmetics bag, a face cloth, two shimmer eye shadows in purple and green, a pink glitter nail polish, Minnie Mouse facial wipes and Hello Kitty blotting papers(?) Correct me if I’m wrong Nadine!


Finally, Nadine got me some foodstuffs! The panda is some sort of microwavable candy and the second item looks like rice flavouring which I have not had in a very long time. Having a Caucasian significant other has reduced a lot of Asian things in my kitchen…


Thank you so much Nadine! I loved everything!


  1. Cute stuff! That paper looks so gorgeous.

    1. I have to think of something really good to make out of it!

  2. This is awesome! I wish I could go to Japan. There is a store nearby my home that sells Japanese stuff and I love going in and grabbing snacks.

    Microwave panda snack sounds cute, hopefully it tastes as good as it looks. I would but those origami papers just cause they are pretty, and they are almost tooo pretty to use!

    I think you meant "Wish"
    " I only with my package to her didn’t take up to 6 weeks to get to there! "

    No offense, I would just want to be notified if I made an error even if it was minor.

    Great post!

    1. Ooh, thanks for letting me know! Yes, I would like to be told as well! Just like if there is something in my teeth, please tell me! ;-)

      I've been to Japan once and I remember loading up BIG TIME on snacks, stickers, cell phone charms and all sorts of Japanese novelty items! You can get certain things in Vancouver too thanks to the large Asian population, but it's oftentimes quite expensive.

  3. I don't think I'd be able to use those origami papers, they're so pretty and I'd be too paranoid of messing up and ruining one. LOL. (Hopefully I didn't just pysch you out..)
    Those chopsticks are adorable! I love all the other goodies you got, the blotting papers and facial wipes look so cute!
    I would love to go to Japan someday, it seems like it'd be so much fun! (I've always been fascinated by the Japanese, though my blog name might kind of give that away) Really great post, Jayne!

    1. I remember I messed up an animal I was folding with some really nice paper and I refused to throw it out! It looked like crap in the end, but at least I saved the paper! I love Japan too, I went when I was 14 for a month and loved every day of it. I cannot wait to go back!

    2. Aww!
      Oh, awesome, next time you go you can pack me in your suitcase and bring me along! He he he.

    3. Also, I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award on my blog. (:

    4. Yes! Beauty Blogger Japan Trip!

  4. Replies
    1. OMG, I know! The Japanese have such cool candy! Have you heard of Candy Japan? It's another subscription service but it's just for rare Japanese candy!

  5. looks awesome!! i love things from Japan because the packaging is always so pretty!
    the microwavable candy is very interesting!!! let me know how that turns out haha

    1. They really are the kings of packaging and making everything look so appealing! I'll let you know how the panda turns out ;-)

  6. Aw you got some cute stuff! That origami paper really is pretty! I would love to go to Japan some day... :D

    1. It's a great country. I went for a month when I was 14 and I loved it. I came back with so much Sanrio stuff that I'm STILL living off of the same stickers more than 10 years later!

  7. Wow what a great swap!! Aren't they so fun to do them with people from around the world :)

    1. It's so much fun Kathyrn, I think I'm addicted!

  8. I've never tried a swap before! enjoy

    1. It's so much fun Naomi! It would be interesting to swap with you, but I just don't know what I'd be able to send to you without customs taking it away!

  9. Origami sounds like fun! :)

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  10. Oooh, maybe on the next swap I can ask for Japanese Lush exclusives!

  11. Aw what a lovely bunch of goodies! lol I had to laugh at the "having a Caucasian significant other" comment. Having an "extremely picky significant other" also reduces A LOT of good food from ones kitchen. Sigh.

    1. Haha, true, a picky S.O. would definitely have the same effect! Sometimes I look around and my kitchen is so boring...all of my interesting food is at work :-)

  12. Origami! The paper is so pretty. Its alot of fun too! Have you tried it? I always had a hard time making them,(ie: my crane was upside down) but it was still a lot of fun!

    1. I can do cranes, balls, but nothing too fancy. My sister is the queen!

  13. Origami paper is always so cute and colorful! Great swap!

    1. I LOVED this swap! I'd love to try some other countries in the future!

  14. This is exactly why I want to visit Japan! Everything so cute. This is a really cool post idea, if you ever want to do a swap with New Zealand let me know! :) Thanks for linking up have followed back x

    1. Swapping with Japan is like Sanrio Christmas! I'll contact you about an NZ swap! Sounds like fun!

  15. What neat stuff! Really cool swap.

  16. Jayne, I love your blog so much! It's such a breath of fresh air! ;)
    I also really like those items, I'm very fascinated by Asian-inspired merchandise.
    *New follower. <3
    If you ever get the chance, I would love it if you would take a peek at my blog:

