NAILS | What the Croc? #CBBxManiMonday

When were "crackle" nails a thing? 2012? I remember trying to get into them and in general never got into that textured look even though I could appreciate how cool it was that a nail polish could dry into a "crackle"! Then, through a beauty pen pal exchange with someone from the UK, I was sent a Barry M polish that dried down to a "croc" effect probably seven years ago. Today is the day I wear this polish for the very first time and it's...weird, but interesting. 

 Gifted by a friend

For this week's "Nail Art Roulette", I drew the combination "black/white/nude" and "texture" which led to this! For my white base, I used the Sephora x Moschino white nail polish collaboration and then layered on a THIN layer of the Barry M Croc Effect. I did a few test runs on my right hand and a thicker layer didn't "croc" as nicely. Even once I got my layers right, it was hard to get the bigger scales all over the nail instead of just in the center. 

I think it all looks kind of weird, but at least I got a chance to see what the polish looked like after all this time of having it sit in my collection!

Have a great day everyone and be sure to check out: Renee and Trysh's blog and social media channels for their Nail Art Roulette manicures!

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