Glymm “Bag” May 2012

Hello Beauty Boxers!

I will try not to repeat what a lot of other bloggers have said about this month’s change in Glymm packaging and pricing, but very quickly, Glymm –> Green so Box –> Bag and $10/month –> $12/month. The price increase is probably one the more surprising moves in this soap opera of beauty boxes. I suppose I should be glad that the $10 rate will still apply as long as you keep your subscription…Come to think of it, out of all the beauty sample subscription services we have available in Canada, Glymm is probably the only one that could have changed their packaging from a box to a bag because they don’t even have the word “box” in their name!

Instead of a pink cardboard box this month, we all received a pink makeup bag in a renewed effort to be more “green”. Now, while I do think this is a very cute bag, I don’t really believe this is more green than having a recyclable cardboard box…this makeup bag is only “recyclable” in the sense that I can reuse it, but once I have more than three of these guys, am I just supposed to give them away? I don’t mean to be difficult, but I don’t really understand the rationale behind this. I guess the real question is what the makeup bag is made of? Anyway, onward to the main attraction!


DSCF3947 DSCF3945


Here is what I received in this month’s Glymm bag:

CK Shock for Her and Him


Excitement Level: I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with perfume samples now although I do enjoy discovering new scents. Unfortunately, I already received a rollerball version of the woman’s scent in a previous Luxe Box, so there wasn’t much to discover this time! I thought maybe my fiance would like the men’s fragrance, but he found it to be quite feminine-smelling…

I Received: 1.2mL/$1.08 good for 35 sprays (new feature on Glymm’s product info card. Useful!)

Full Size: 50mL/$45.00 both His and Hers

Coola Mineral Matte Cucumber Face Sunscreen


Excitement Level: Yay! I have been looking for sunblock specifically for the face so this will be fun to try! I love that it’s paraben free and hydrates with shea butter too!

I Received: 5mL/$3.60 good for 4 uses

Full Size: 50mL/$36.00

NuMe HydroPunch Hydrating Conditioner


Excitement Level: Shampoo and conditioner samples seem to be a running theme in beauty boxes! At least I can use this month’s NuMe product! How many of you actually wore the feather hair extensions?The thing I really love about this sample is the fact that it’s in a tube and not a plastic packet. I will probably try this product over one in a packet just for the convenience!

I Received: 20mL/$2.00 good for 4 uses

Full Size: 250mL/$24.99

Cargo Eye Shadow Duo in Vienna


Excitement Level: Is it weird that I’m not a fan of Cargo eye shadows? I just find the pigmentation to be not quite as good as some other brands. This is an interesting shadow duo though in terms of colour combination so I’ll give it a try and see how it goes.

I Received: *FULL SIZE* good for 36 months!

Full Size: $25.00

Caudalie Vinexpert Anti-Aging Serum Eyes and Lips


Excitement Level: I really loved the Caudalie samples I have received, but I haven’t bit the bullet yet to buy a full size product of theirs on my own because the skin care line can be quite expensive. I’m almost scared to love this serum!

I Received: 7mL/$15.40 good for 40 uses

Full Size: 15mL/$33.00

Caudalie Vinosource SOS Thirst-Qunching Serum

Caudalie Moisturizing Sorbet 


Excitement Level: Same sentiment as above plus awwwwww! Such cute packaging! What does the sample look like inside? Is it encased in something else? I’m too scared to open it! This duo are meant to be used together.

I Received: Serum – 1mL/$1.60, Sorbet – 1mL/$0.95 each good for 3 uses

Full Size: Serum – 30mL/$48.00, Sorbet – 40mL/$38.00

Total Value of Glymm Bag: $50.71

I liked the assortment of what I received this month although I totally had my fingers crossed that I would receive the Caudalie body scrub that some other girls got. The scrub looked so good and came in such a cute little jar. Oh well…I still enjoyed the variety of this month’s bag as well as the apparent rebirth of Glymm!


  1. Replies
    1. I think it could be a fun duo to play with. I'll just have to experiment.

  2. Great items! Aww the Caudalie products are cute! I love items more when they have nice packaging lol. Sometimes the packaging is a deal breaker for me when it comes to products! :D

    1. It is for me too, but I try my very best not to judge!

  3. Glymm looks pretty good.. I only have a Luxe Box.. I heard that the Caudalie line is pretty good! I have never tried any of the products tho... Someone should start a sample swap because sometimes I get things I'm never going to use..

    1. That is such a great idea!

    2. It is a good idea! They do it in the US, but postage is so much cheaper there than it is here! Once it becomes more than a letter, it gets expensive once we're shipping across provinces...sigh Canada Post...

  4. Great Glymm bag this month! Can't wait for my Luxe Box to come:)

  5. Awesome reveal! I'm hoping that they will at least change up the colors of the makeup bag, though you have a good point, soon I'll be overwhelmed with make up bags! :)

    1. I feel exactly the same way!

    2. I think this "Nylon" Collection is a Spring/Summer thing (from their announcement) so maybe it's just until the Fall? So, 4 makeup bags ain't that bad!

  6. What a change GLymm has made this month! That makeup bag is super cute but I do agree with you.. after you have a few how is it environmental? Just becomes a little bit of a waste.. but maybe they will change it up? That Caudalie sample packaging is soooo cute! I don't know if I could open it myself! haha


    1. I'm dying to know what the sample looks like! Hopefully someone will want my makeup bag...

  7. I received exactly the same items. I too was hoping to receive the scrub since I use those all the time. I also saw that some folks received a Medesso (?) lip treatment instead of the Cargo shadow duo. I think I would have preferred that. Oh well.

    I was giving thought to cancelling my subscription with Glymm, but the fact that I am grandfathered in for the $10/month charge made me reconsider. Let's see what happens next month...

    1. I reconsidered too after they said we would get to keep our subscription at the old price. Like you said, I guess we'll see?

  8. I know, Topbox IS the greenest! Topbox has got it together!
    I wonder if the estimations are correct...I guess we'll see if I can get 35 sprays out of my 1.2mL sample of perfume!
