I feel like this last week has gone by in a blur, but with little to show for it you know? I feel like a lot has happened, I'm tired and grumpy, but I'm not really being productive at home. At work, things are fine, but I'm not feeling very motivated. I have a been feeling a bit stressed and today had so much going on that I had my Saje diffuser on full blast and even went up to the Saje store to pick a new scent called "Deep Breath" which seemed appropriate for today and with its blend of lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus it definitely helped my mood! As for the nails, apologies for the lack of nail art, but I really wasn't feelin' it BUT these shades of green are something!
PR sample featured as denoted with "*"
The Dior Emerald* green polish is one of my favourites and is a staple green to have in my collection, but NCLA Lavish Spender was one that I don't even remember buying, but I know I must have as I remember buying an additional polish for free shipping when I purchased the NCLA x cutepolish collection. This polish isn't really my style, but the mint green with multicoloured glitters looked so unlike anything I owned that I had to have it. This was opaque in three coats with no glitter-fishing required.
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