I used to only want to do super complicated nail art and would look down on nail art techniques that were not "hard enough", but let me tell ya, almost 40 year old me no longer judges anyone as even having my nails done every week feels like a huge accomplishment sometimes! We all love Cristine from Simplynailogical who openly says that she's not an artist and that when it comes to nail art, her abilities are of a different calibre than those who stamp and hand-draw. What she IS good at is making some amazing looking nail art without needing to have much in the way of artistic ability. You will need patience, but no nail art brushes or stamping kits!
I look forward to Easter chocolate every year and though the Cadbury Creme Egg has changed over the years in terms of getting smaller (booooo!), it's still just as tooth-decayingly sweet as ever. Occasionally I do crave them, but after one of the larger eggs I'm usually all sugared out!
A couple of years ago, Cristine posted these super cute Cadbury Creme Egg nails on her blog and YouTube channel and even though I played around with doing this manicure fully by hand, I really just loved that crinkly, shiny look of the chocolate wrapper with just a hint of chocolate peeking through that I just couldn't replicate with nail polish. It gave me the very necessary opportunity to go and buy some creme eggs (I bought the minis for the sake of not having to gorge on a whole egg for the sake of this manicure) and save their wrappers!
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