Baby Shower Goodies!

Why, hello there!

I was at a baby shower for a friend of mine last week and there were goody bags! It was like being at a birthday party in elementary school again except the birthday girl is pregnant...but anyway, we all had a lot of fun eating and playing games. In fact, that creepy little baby that's sitting on the Tweezerman files was part of the game called "My Water Broke". If you haven't heard of it, everyone gets a creepy baby frozen in ice and the first person who is able to melt their ice and pull out their baby wins! I won this game so as a prize I received the mini nail files and can you believe it, an OPI nail polish! Apparently the girl who organized the prizes was secretly hoping that my baby would be freed first so that I could win the nail polish since she knew I would appreciate it the most!

The other items from the shower included a Cinnamon Apple Candle, nail file and Pink Chiffon body lotion from Bath and Bodyworks, a sachet of one of my favourite teas and a GIANT Pocky stick! Being Asian, Pocky sticks in all flavours were a big part of my childhood recess snacks so I fully appreciated a giant version of it ;-)



  1. Oh man Pocky sticks!!! LOVED those. Looks like you got some awesome loot at the party. And that little baby figure is quite creepy - it is staring and it's head is turned like it's possessed or something. Maybe the game should be called 'free the creepy baby' instead :) I think it's quite fitting!

    1. LOL, that's totally what the game should be called! I felt like it would do something to me if I threw it out so right now it's staring at me from my bookshelf!

  2. Loving the goody bag idea for grown-ups! Definitely can really have fun with that idea and customize it to the party! Must agree the baby creeps me out a little too lol

    1. LOL, the baby is totally creepy! I used to goody bags for my bday parties up until I was like 25!

  3. I know huh? I never expected to have a haul from a baby shower!

  4. Thats the best goodie bag ever! Haha, love pocky!!
