Sheet masks are jam. The 80 sheet masks that I have in my possession are prime examples of my weakness so when I see masks for other parts of the body, my skincare antennae go crazy! I am a sucker for eye masks, gel masks for sore legs and of course the lip mask. I don't use lip masks often because lip balm is usually more than enough, but who can resist this cherubic little girl on the package of The Face Mask's Bebe Lip Mask ($3.00 CDN)?! Look at her pouty, full lips! I want those lips!
The Bebe Lip Mask is a gel mask with hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid and purslane extract, which soothes and reduces inflammation. If your lips are in need of some serious TLC, this mask promises to restore their original softness and then some. These key ingredients are close to the end of the ingredients list so I don't think there will be long-lasting effects from using the lip mask.
The lip mask is soaking in an essence of goodness and actually feels like a thin skin when applied to the lips. The hold is also quite good and I was able to go about my household tasks with these on. I tried to drink and THAT was a strange feeling.
I left the mask on for about 15 minutes and when I peeled it off my lips DID feel more plump than usual. Not Kylie Jenner plump, but plump enough for my standards. Visually, I couldn't see too much of a difference, but the overall feeling of my lips felt "bigger".
Available at all The Face Shop retailers.
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