The Incredible Bliss Haul!

Hi Girls!

I’ve probably mentioned before that I am a pretty big fan of Bliss products because I love the way they combine the savoury with the sweet in a lot of their scents and because a lot of their products are paraben free. The only place I know of that sells Bliss products is Sephora and it’s pretty pricey…so whenever I see a Bliss product an Winners, I don’t even think, I just grab!

A few days ago, I managed to grab a SUPERSIZED version of one of my favourite moisturizers, the Lemon and Sage Maximum Moisture Cream for $24.99! Look how huge it is! I’ve seen this retailing online for around $50 so I thought that was pretty awesome! The other things I picked up were the Blood Orange and White Pepper Maximum Moisture Cream, the matching body wash (both for $19.99) and the Youth As We Know It Anti-Aging Eye Cream for $15! If I were get the eye cream at Sephora it would have cost me $75! The Blood Orange and White Pepper duo would have been $52 at Sephora so all in all I picked up $177 worth of stuff for around $60! Now, I really have to stop buying moisturizers because that supersized tube is going to last a couple of months…what was nice about all the stuff I picked up was that everything was sealed so nothing has been oxidized yet and none of the products had passed their expiration dates. God, I love Winners…



  1. Wow!! What a great deal you got! I love bliss products too but usually shy away because of the price tag... may have to make a trip to my Winners soon they always have such amazing deals if you look for them!

    1. I've never bought bliss products at retail because I think their price point is outrageous...I pretty much stalk Winners, but I'm "lucky" because I work close to one and I always go there on my break!

  2. Replies
    1. I think I have to stop now it was that good!

  3. Yay! Glad you found these products at great prices! :D

    1. Shopping is so much more satisfying that way!

  4. Thanks for linking this post for me Jayne, I can't get over that deal (so jealous)! I've never heard of the brand The Youth..

    xx Veronica
