When I used to work at the mall, browsing at Winners was a dangerous lunch time activity and a lot my beauty self purchases came out of that store for years with many things purchased on a whim or because they were "such a good price" only to be used 6 years later...like this Ciate Denim Manicure kit. This is when I am glad nail polish doesn't go bad! I made it a point during my 7 weeks off work to go through some of these kits that I purchased and because the #CBBxManiMonday team and I have monthly themes, "denim" never really seemed to fit it with any of them, but since I had a bit more time over the last few weeks, I sat down one night to watch Tati and paint a pair of jeans on my nails!
As this kit was purchased at Winners, I think I paid around $7 for it which for the Ciate polish alone IS a great price! The kit actually makes creating this denim design fairly straightforward as the polish "Regatta"(SO NICE!) has a bit of a shimmer to it that makes it look textured like a pair of jeans and was beautifully opaque as a one coater. I would hands down love to use this polish again for another design because it was a pleasure to use!
To create the "stitches", the kit includes nail decals that you soak in water and peel off so you just need to position them where you would like on the nail. The studs were a mixture of sizes, shapes and finishes so using the packaging as my guide (I'm not really that creative), I placed the decals and studs somewhat randomly.
The studs were quite large and to be honest, a little irritating to have on especially while I was at home doing a lot of cooking and housework so this manicure didn't last too long, but I think it turned out super cool and is probably the closest I have gotten to wearing jeans in 2 months!
I hope everyone's doing ok and coping well with the changes in society now that businesses have opened up again. My esthetician is opening up soon and I am excited to get facials and pedicures again though I have been enjoying the enormous amount of skincare self-care I have had to do the last couple of weeks!
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