NAILS | The Hungry Asian Mint Condition Swatch #CBBxManiMonday

I thought this week would be less crazy, but I was wrong. It seems like the hecticness of the first week of March where I had all of this stuff happening work bled into the second week as we launched a new Service Repair app that everyone needed to be trained on which of course wasn't as smooth as we thought it would be. I felt so confused which freaked me out since I'm usually pretty good with tech things and though I eventually calmed down enough to learn and absorb properly, I was very stressed about it for a few days. This week seems to be just full of men who feel treating people like minions is the best way of doing business so I was slightly moody today and just need to survive one more day with some insufferable people before I get two days off in a row all to myself!

The Hungry Asian Mint Condition Swatch
Purchased by me so long ago!

This green beauty is yet another untried polish from indie polish creator Kae of The Hungry Asian. The mint creme "Mint Condition" took 2-3 coats to reach full opacity and what I loved about this polish when I picked it up in 2012 (original haul) was how delicate all of the multi-colour glitter was. It is a truly another very pretty polish that I only wish I had worn sooner, but such is life. It is now a collector's piece as Kae no longer makes polish and this was the only full sized bottle of polish I ever purchased from her (the others were minis) because I thought the shade was so unique. 

The Hungry Asian Mint Condition Swatch

I hope you all are having a good week and I will try to be more grateful for what I have now and ignore the shitty attitudes of others!  Be sure to check out Renee and Trysh's blogs for their green-themed manicures this week!

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