I cannot say enough good things about BIOEFFECT and though I have not featured this Iceland-based brand on the blog before, you may have seen me mention them on social media multiple times in the past whether it was for an event or for their coveted and hero product - the EGF Serum! I find BIOEFFECT to be such a cool brand because they are actually a "side business" for the much larger biotech company ORF Genetics which focuses on plant proteins for use in medical research, stem cell technology and skincare. You guys know that with my degree in genetics, my ears instantly perk up when a scientist decides to head into the world of beauty, let alone in an area as saturated as skincare. Once I met and listened to, co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Bjorn Orvar speak on the products and brand, I knew this was a very different company that prided itself on putting results first with REAL clinical trials of sizeable sample size AND over long periods of time. I feel like if I had known about this brand when I was a student, I would have looked at my career options differently because what Dr. Bjorn is doing now would have been my dream!
BIOEFFECT has a hero ingredient which can be found in a number of areas, but this brand sources it from barley as this is the grain that ORF Genetics focuses on in their labs. Another fun fact is that Dr. Bjorn got his PhD in Plant Molecular Biology from right here at UBC and then did his post-doc at McGill! True scientist right here!
I won't delve too heavily into EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) as I would like to save that for the EGF Serum review, but EGF is a protein naturally found in human skin that boosts collagen and elastin production as well hydration and increasing "skin thickness". One thing that BIOEFFECT really focuses on is "increasing skin thickness" as thinner skin accrues damage more easily and has less of a "bounce".
While this mask on its own is great for hydration, it does not contain EGF in the essence formulation as it is intended to be used on top of any EGF-containing serum. The process of delivering EGF to skin cells and activating them is known as "imprinting" hence the name of the mask. One of the most important factors in activation is an aqueous or water-filled environment so the longer your skin stays moist, the better the effects of EGF. Essentially this hydro gel mask creates a little micro-environment that allows EGF to work better for the ultimate results!
The hydrogel mask comes in two parts (always a good sign) and fit well. Hydrogel can be stiff sometimes depending on how thick the gel is, but this was one of the best fitting I have ever used!
Mask Summary:
Price: $110/6 masks
Skin concerns: Firmness lack of elasticity, dryness
Scent: None
Essence Type: Clear with medium viscosity
Duration: 10-20 minutes, but I left mine on for 30 minutes.
Thickness: Standard for hydrogel
Mask Fit: One of the BEST fitting hydrogel masks I have tried! The gel was a bit "stickier" and seemed more flexible than others I have tried so it stayed on my face the entire time I was sitting up and doing things around the house. I NEVER had to readjust!
Tackiness: Super light and fast absorbing
Hydration: Good!
Other notes: Best used on top of an EGF serum
Final verdict: I will definitely repurchase this mask as I love the EGF serum and how the mask enhances its effects! Even on their own, this mask was superior to other hydrogel masks I have tried from both high end and lower priced brands. They are pricey though so I will only bring this out when I really need it or once a week in the future.
You can find the BIOEFFECT Imprinting Hydrogel Masks at www.shopkalosophie.com
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