HAIR | L'Oreal 8-second Wonder Water Lamellar Rinse-out Treatment

I am generally not overly surprised by beauty things even if they claim to be "the latest innovation" in x, y or z and especially when a product is called "8 Second Wonder Water". When L'Oreal came out with a hair treatment that claimed a practically instant transformation that targeted damaged areas of hair, I assumed it was going to be just another hair mask or serum. Boy, was I ever wrong! The next question was WHY this treatment was so life-changing which led me down a crazy rabbit hole of lamellar water technology!

L'Oreal Wonder Water FlatlayPress sample 

Lamellar water specifically targets damaged areas along the hair shaft by depositing amino acids and proteins in thin layers known as "lamellae". Instead of just blindly coating the entire strand of hair (standard conditioners), through the magical system of negative and positive ions that I will never understand because literature on this topic in hair is vague, lamellar water is designed to go only where it is needed. Each layer is basically packed with lightweight conditioners that are the opposite charge of the damaged areas of hair which is how lamellar water "knows where to go"!

L'oreal Wonder Water Box

Like with most conditioning treatments, I did not know what to expect the first time I tried Wonder Water and hoped that this did not weigh my hair down and now that I am more familiar with how this product works, I realize that my hair will NEVER feel heavy when using this treatment because your hair only binds to "what it needs". I use this treatment from root to tip with no signs of feeling weighed down with product.

L'Oreal Wonder Water Ingredients

Using this product is really easy and cuts down on my shower time significantly as I do not need a hair mask when using this treatment. On the back of the bottle are markers for every 20mL as this is the approximate amount to use for each treatment. 20mL is more than enough for my hair length so if your hair is shorter or more thick, you may need half or double the amount. You can use Wonder Water up to 3x/week, but I find that even using it once a week helps with my hair's texture. 

Wonder Water is indeed VERY watery in viscosity and has a curious warming sensation when first applied to the hair. I'm glad I read that little bit on the bottle because it was immediately warm when I started to massage the product into the ends of my hair. It also has a pretty strong floral scent, but I did not notice it after a few seconds. And speaking of seconds, I definitely don't keep this in for just 8 seconds as I like to leave things in my hair while I soap up, scrub or shave, but even when I touched my hair after just having applied the treatment, I felt a difference! 

L'Oreal Wonder Water Back of Bottle

L'Oreal Wonder Water Flatlay

Final verdict: Total game changer! I am almost done this bottle and plan on stocking up when they go on sale because any hair type will love this! There are some other salon brands that have lamellar products, but they are at least triple the price of this one and this drugstore version does an AMAZING job! If you have not tried this type of hair treatment yet, you will probably utter the words "What on Earth is this sorcery?!" when you first feel your hair! I recommended this to my co-workers and one of them bought 13 bottles when they went on sale at London Drugs! Now, that's LOVE! I cannot say enough good things about this very cool product and highly recommend everyone of all hair types give it a go!

You can find L'Oreal Wonder Water at all mass drugstores.

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