It may be September, but technically summer isn’t over until the 22nd right? I’m all about tinted lip balms in the summer because who wants to slather on a thick lipstick when the rest of your makeup consists solely of waterproof mascara and sunscreen? Mary Kay at Play Triple Layer Tinted Balms ($12 CDN) provide berry-scented fun in four shades: Atomic Red, Pink Again, Orange You Lovely and In the Plum.
*Note* Rose Encore = Pink Again I accidentally read the French, but I think it sounds better en Français.
Final Verdict: As much as I wanted all three layers of the bullseye to give me a really cool ombre lip, it sadly was not in the cards. These tinted lip balms do provide a very light tint with the feel of a classic lip balm. Not too greasy, not too shiny. However, I would have liked this to have had SPF in it seeing as how it was a summer release. Atomic Red swatched strongly on my hand, but on my lips there was not much of a change. Maybe my actual lip colour IS “Atomic Red”? Pink Again swatched much more strongly on my lips than I had hoped for with Orange You Lovely and In The Plum being my favourites of the group. The latter two suited my skin tone much more and were also the most interesting although the same could be said of Pink Again and the way it made my lips look like they belonged in the 80s. Overall, I found these tinted balms to be alright, The packaging and look is very fun, but the SPF is something I would really have preferred.
What has been your favourite lip product this summer?
PR samples provided for review.
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