It’s not Halloween until Lush releases their limited edition collection of bubble bars and bath bombs beginning with the Sparkly Pumpkin Bubble Bar ($7.95 CDN). A blend of juniperberry, grapefruit and lime oils make this bubble bar smell like a fruity drink I want poolside. This pumpkin is also slathered in gold glitter making this a bitch to photograph without getting glitter everywhere, BUT it is nothing short of magical having your bathwater literally shimmering with gold glitter. I honestly felt like a twinkling star.
I used a whole bubble bar as I am usually quite frugal, but I wanted glitter EVERYWHERE. Like, Ke$ha style. The bathwater becomes a happy Fall orange filled with many bubbles. I cranked up my water pressure as I was going for a bit of a “bubble fort”. I was able to build a small tower before calling it a day.
I’ve got a few more Lush Halloween goodies to share, but this sparkly bubble bar is among one of my favourites! What are your favourite Lush collections?
PR sample sent for review.
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