What mother doesn’t love a bouquet of roses, let alone ones that smell amazing and can accompany you to the bath! The Lush Rose Bubble Bar ($4.95) is very softly fragranced and is a bubble bar I found to be quite creamy.
This beautifully crafted bubble bar will instantly transform mum’s bath time experience into a rose filled voyage through a mountain of skin softening bubbles. Rosehip oil and cocoa butter grated into the mixture provide the softening properties; while rose and lemon provide the fragrance. We’ve added cornstarch to the mix so you get a more condensed bar that can be broken in half and used over two baths. Or you can use the whole things for masses of creamy, softening bubbles.
It is on the smaller side so I used the whole bar for one bath. As you can see, it also leaves you with very light pink bathwater that made me feel like a total girly girl! I did not think I would enjoy this scent because I am not normally a floral person, but this bubble bar was so soft and just “blushing’ with scent that I couldn’t help but enjoy it. I couldn’t smell the lemon really, more just the rosehip oil, but I didn’t mind at all! So, this year give your mom a bouquet of roses. Bubble bar style!
All Lush Mother’s Day items are limited time so be sure to pick something up for Mom this week!
PR sample sent for review.
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