Today I have the wonderful Zoe from Writing Whimsy on the blog today! She is my FAVOURITE scientist and has one of those blogs where I read it and feel like I’m in a Zen garden. Her posts and writing are informative, yet light and you can’t help but want to be her friend when you’re done reading. (You’ll probably want to be her friend after this post so please head on over to Writing Whimsy and say hello!)
I was a bit stuck (and very late) on what to blog about for a transitioning to summer theme on Jayne's blog when inspiration hit. Or rather, inspiration arrived in the form of a mistaken Beauty Box 5 for May. This is a box meant for new subscribers, not existing ones, I had already gotten many of these items before-- but they do match the theme perfectly.
Honestly, I feel like Beauty Box 5 just knew my blogging struggles and wanted to make life easier for me.
The May box came with 5 different items, and honestly all of them are a great match for summer so even though they are doubles, I know I'll have a fun time using them all them same (mostly, there's one that's a bit of a dud for me, but still a great spring-to-summer item). But enough pre-amble. Here's what they provided and why it's such a perfect match.
I'll start with the item that doesn't work for me-- self-tanner. I just haven't used it before and I'm not sure I'd know how. But my legs are an exceptional shade of pasty, especially considering the rest of me isn't that pale, so I'm not saying I shouldn't try it. I might have to give one pack of the Just Being Sexy! body bronzer a try before a summer wedding I have. Self-tanners are a great way to get some of that summery glow, without all the actual UV rays.
Everything from the brand H20 just feels aquatic, which isn't surprising given the name. This body wash is really fresh and cooling for hot summer months, and it's a great way to feel like you're already at the pool, at least for that 2-35 minute shower.
Nothing like a glittery polish to say summer, and Nubar has a great selection of them! I don't limit myself to summer glitter, but I know a lot of people save their brighter shades for the hot months, but if you're waiting-- well now that's the time! Pull out those neons and I don't just mean for pedicure.
Apparently Beauty Box 5 wasn't limiting the glitter to your fingernails with these sparkly toe separators. Honestly, I have never really seen the point of these, but I won't turn down anything red and sparkly.
Finally, this Clinical Strength Secret Deodorant is probably a good idea if you're going to be outside a lot with the temperature climbing, and it was weirdly the thing I was probably most excited about in my Beauty Box 5 May box. Guess I'm just a practical girl at heart.
Well there's my spring-to-summer suggestions thanks to Beauty Box 5 for the inspiration, and to Jayne for being so awesome and hosting me on Cosmetic Proof!
Thank you Zoe for sharing your spring to summer suggestions! Surprise, surprise, but I’m a fan of the nail polish!
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